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Wisconsin Guard NCO, Middleton native, supports contracting efforts for Southwest Asia wing

Tech. Sgt. Tyson Hall, a contracting officer with the 380th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, works in his office at a non-disclosed base in Southwest Asia on April 8, 2010. He is deployed from the Wisconsin Air National Guard's 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Field in Madison. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Master Sgt. Scott T. Sturkol/Released)

Tech. Sgt. Tyson Hall, a contracting officer with the 380th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, works in his office at a non-disclosed base in Southwest Asia on April 8, 2010. He is deployed from the Wisconsin Air National Guard's 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Field in Madison. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Master Sgt. Scott T. Sturkol/Released)

SOUTHWEST ASIA -- Tech. Sgt. Tyson Hall's hometown motto in Middleton, Wisc., is the "Good Neighbor City." As a contracting officer with the 380th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron at non-disclosed base here, Sergeant Hall also might be considered a "good neighbor" to the many people he supports throughout the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing.

"If you got it, we bought it," said Sergeant Hall, who is deployed from the Wisconsin Air National Guard's 115th Fighter Wing at Truax Field in Madison. "As a contracting officer, we appear to be a 'behind the scenes' career field within the Air Force. However, we are involved with every squadron or group on base in one way or another."

Sergeant Hall said the 380th ECONS mission is separated into three flights to service the majority of base acquisitions -- commodities, construction and services.

"I work within the commodities flight with three other contracting officers purchasing for all other squadrons and groups," Sergeant Hall said. "We purchase items per the customer's request, while remaining within the guidelines as established, and get these items in the hands of the end users as soon as possible at a fair and reasonable price with the best quality commercially available. The workload and days are long with most guys staying here till midnight -- six days on and one day off."

In a deployed environment, Sergeant Hall said the majority of base purchases are directed through the contracting squadron.

"That's done to ensure a streamlined and efficient transaction for a broad range of services, supplies and construction projects," Sergeant Hall said. "These purchases range from the cleaning of restrooms, providing personnel for food services, construction of living quarters and the installation of slide barriers and traffic spikes. It also includes routine purchases of office furniture, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, security equipment and a variety of other items."

Sergeant Hall started off his military career with the Army National Guardsman as a transportation specialist and said he soon realized the benefits the Air Force and the Air National Guard had to offer. Sergeant Hall reenlisted to the Air National Guard in 2004 and said he enjoys his time here while being deployed.

"I feel fortunate and privileged, to be located in the best squadron on base and working alongside with the best active duty contracting officers the Air Force has to offer," Sergeant Hall said. "I joined the military to explore a challenge. It has always been something that has interested me since I saw my Dad's basic training yearbook when I was elementary school or heard the stories of and from my grandfather Jack Hall -- a distinguished World War II veteran.

"The decision was sealed to further explore the opportunities the military had to offer when my cousin, Jon Hall, enlisted in the Marines and my best friend, Jeff Killian, was accepted at West Point," Sergeant Hall said. "It is, and has been, an honor to be the third generation serving in the military and has made for some interesting and entertaining stories and experiences."

The 380th ECONS is a sub-unit of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing. The wing is home to the KC-10 Extender, U-2 Dragon Lady, E-3 Sentry and RQ-4 Global Hawk aircraft. The wing is comprised of four groups and 12 squadrons and the wing's deployed mission includes air refueling, surveillance and reconnaissance in support of overseas contingency operations in Southwest Asia. The 380th AEW supports operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom and the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa.
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