Military Spouse Appreciation Day -- supporting those who support us Published May 12, 2012 Wisconsin National Guard Public Affairs MADISON, Wis. -- Military spouses are a constant and silent force standing behind countless Soldiers, Coast Guard, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. They bear the burdens of separation, anxiety and devotion to duty year after year; often in silence, often unrecognized, but always with love and support. Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day and on behalf of the Wisconsin National Guard -- I want to say thank you to all our military spouses. You are an essential part of our family and we appreciate you! Military Spouse Day has been observed since May 23, 1984, when a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan recognized the profound importance of spouse commitment to the readiness and well-being of military members. The US Secretary of Defense standardized the date by declaring the Friday proceeding Mother's Day as Military Spouse Day. During the month of May we [Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs] will be highlighting stories about some of our outstanding spouses and tell you about available resources for military families. One such resource is Military OneSource and they want you to know about the programs they have just for you and some special ones they are holding this month. On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, let us join together to show our service members we are taking care of their families back home as they serve our Nation across the globe. As neighbors, teachers, parents and fellow citizens, we can reach out to military husbands and wives in our communities. We can show our appreciation in countless ways, from offering to help with household maintenance and childcare to encouraging community involvement and career development of military spouses. Through every deployment, drill weekend, recruiting event, training exercise, state emergency -- you, our spouses, are standing right next to your service member. What's your story? What else can we do to serve our military families? Original content found here.