Readiness Program Overview

The 115th Fighter Wing Airman and Family Readiness Program provides support and resources that promote a service members individual and family readiness. We work with local and state support agencies as well as private organizations to ensure that our members and their families have the necessary tools for success in the Wisconsin Air National Guard.

Child & Youth Programs

Child and youth opportunities are sponsored by the National Guard Bureau, UW-Extension, Wisconsin National Guard and through grants and donations from the Department of Defense and the Association for Families.  For information on child and youth camps and summits, go to the Truax Ticker.

Employment Assistance

Both the Employment Support Program at Joint Forces Headquarters and Veterans Representatives at the Wisconsin Job Center of Dane County provide service members and their families’ assistance in the job hunt, and application / resume / interview preparation. 

ribbon program

When our members deploy due to activation and/or mobilization, we offer Yellow Ribbon before and after deployment to ensure our veteran's and families are aware of all the benefits available to them.

Military OneSource

Whether a service member thinking about a college degree, a military spouse wanting to connect with a network of military-friendly employers or a parent hoping for a smooth school transition for your child, Military OneSource offers practical information and support.


Annual and special events are open to family members throughout the year.  Our goal is to promote a sense of community and unit affiliation so that during times of mobilization our Air Guard families are ready and familiar with base support systems.  

Hours & Contact

Monday - Thursday from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Drill Weekend Saturday from 0630 to 1400
Drill Weekend Sunday from 0600 to 1300


Transition assistance program

TRANSITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM:  For more information on the Air National Guard's Transition Assistance Program contact

To register for a class, contact us at the Airman and Family Readiness Program, 608-245-4654.

Through individual counseling, workshops and seminars, the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is an outcome-based program that bolsters opportunities, services, and training for transitioning service members in their preparation to meet post-military goals. Through the transition process, individuals identify their skills, learn to search the job market, and successfully market themselves to quickly secure employment in the civil sector. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend all TAP components.

A retiree should engage 24-20 months prior to date of retirement and a separatee must start the TAP process as early as 18-15 months prior to separation. The intent of starting earlier is to allow members to be more proactive in the process and to take ownership of their transition.

Any member that has been identified for early separation including legal, administrative, medical evaluation board (MEB), Palace Chase or Palace Front, or other requirements should start the TAP process the moment the INTENT to discharge early is known.

Any member assigned to deploy must immediately complete both Initial Consultation and Preseparation Counseling prior to actual deployment if they will fall below 365 days from date of separation during deployment.

Financial Readiness

  • FINANCIAL COUNSELING SERVICES: We can assist with budget and debt counseling concerns. Members who are requesting financial assistance from base or WING programs may request assistance through our office.

    The Airman & Family Readiness Center offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial readiness and build resiliency in preparation for life’s various financial situations.

    Financial Education Workshops Include

  • Blended Retirement System
  • Thrift Savings Plan
  • Frist Duty Station
  • Budgeting/Spending Plan
  • Retirement Starter
  • Financial transitioning, credit reports/scores, projected post separation budget
  • Military Saves Week (various topics taught)
  • Miscellaneous other topics throughout the year
  • We can conduct briefings at your unit as well
  • Marriage
  • Birth of the 1st Child
  • Promotions
  • One-on-One Financial Counseling Provided for the Following

  • Budgeting/Spending Plan
  • Managing credit and debt problems
  • Pulling/reviewing credit reports
  • Thrift Savings Plan
  • Saving
  • Investing
  • Car Buying
  • Marriage
  • Birth of the 1st Child
  • Promotions

  • READINESS AND RESILIENCE PROGRAMS:  Guard members and their families are always ready for deployments.  The Airman and Family Readiness program has resources to assist with you with your concerns about deployment.

    RESOURCE GUIDE: We also provide information and referral services that support the readiness of members and family members. "A Resource Guide for Airman and Families" is annually produced to update members on programs and services available to them.

    YELLOW RIBBON REINTEGRATION:  When our members deploy due to activation and/or mobilization, we offer Yellow Ribbon before and after deployment to ensure our veteran's and families are aware of all their benefits.