115 FW partners with local law enforcement Published Feb. 10, 2016 By Staff Sgt. Andrea F. Rhode 115th Fighter Wing Public Affairs MADISON, Wis. -- Members of the Madison Police Department spent time training at the 115th Fighter Wing on Jan. 13. The north police district in-service day gave local law enforcement an opportunity to exercise potential incidents in unfamiliar buildings. This was the first time the district trained at the 115 FW. "It is my opinion that training at a facility within the district is very beneficial for a number of reasons," said Jay Lengfeld, Madison Police Department north district captain. "The officers become familiar with a facility they may need to respond to in the future, the scenario is more realistic because you are at the actual facility, and you build relationships with individuals you would be working with if an incident would occur." Master Sgt. Paul Opper, 115 FW security forces unit training and deployment manager, was one of the security forces Airmen who planned one of the exercises. "The exercise was for an active shooter scenario," Opper said. "It focused on the post active shooter portion and how to deal with security of the site, treating the wounded, and the investigation." According to Opper, there are a few different situations in which the 115 FW security forces and MPD would work together. "We work with MPD for responses ranging from theft investigations to active shooters," Opper said. "If we need their assistance, we can count of them to be there." This may not be the only cooperative training the base sees in the future. "I do see future training with MPD along with other civilian authorities," Opper said. "It is extremely important and helpful to train with MPD due to the fact that they are our primary backup in many cases. For SFS and MPD to get to know each other's practices, procedures and tactics, is invaluable to both agencies."