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  • Supportive Employers Fly High

    A group of approximately 20 employers attended the Madison Boss Lift, hosted by Wisconsin Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Wednesday April, 24 at Truax Field, Madison Wisconsin. With the support of the 128th Air Refueling Wing, Milwaukee and 115th Fighter Wing, Madison employers were given

  • Corporate engagement enhances wing safety

    Members of the 115th Fighter Wing safety team met with their civilian counterparts from Midwest energy company Alliant Energy at Truax Field Mar. 7, as part of an ongoing safety focused partnership between the organizations

  • 115 FW in the running for the Disney Award

    A panel of evaluators from the National Restaurant Association inspected the 115th Fighter Wing services flight during the March drill. The inspection came as part of the Airmen’s efforts to achieve the Air National Guard’s Senior Master Sgt. Kenneth Disney Award.  The Disney award recognizes the

  • Honorary Commander spotlight - Dr. Curt Bronkhorst

    The 115th Fighter Wing Honorary Commanders Program is an innovative program that links military commanders with business leaders in the local community. These relationships provide the opportunity for both military and civilian professionals to gain valuable insight and perspectives of different

  • Flight of Firsts

    Spouses of Airmen assigned to the 115th Fighter Wing here were given the opportunity to ride along during a 128th Air Refueling Wing training mission that departed from Truax Field, Nov. 30, 2018.

  • 115th Fighter Wing receives Outstanding Unit Award

    The 115th Fighter Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard received the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA) for exceptional service performed by the service members in the unit from 2015-2017. This is the tenth time that the 115th FW has received the award.

  • Pillars of the Past... "Badger Air Militia celebrates 50 years of service"

    It is hard to believe that our unit has been in the business of defending our state and nation for 50 years. But if you stop to consider all the changes that have occurred in the unit, in our country, and especially in the world, it is not surprising to see us still around. Through these changes,